Proclub Telkom University

Proclub Telkom University or simply Proclub is an independent student organization under the School of Computing of Telkom University that act as an incubator for student who highly interested in ICT development and competition.

Expertise In Proclub

Proclub consists of 3 Expertise

Product Designer
Business Analyst
Software Engineer


Products crafted by our member

Gonigoni adalah sistem yang menghubungkan pengelola sampah dengan masyarakat.

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Genwis adalah aplkasi mobile yang dapat mengatur rencana perjalanan wisata anda dengan mudah berdasarkan kota tujuan, jangka waktu dan budget sesuai dengan yang anda tentukan.

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Studiplex adalah sebuah platform edukasi online. yang berisi materi perkuliahan hingga pengetahuan professional

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Teknofest Highlight

Projects made by the newest addtion of the family

Sharica Food Waste Case Study

by Nisa Fitrianti

API Gateway for a home automation device using MQTT & nodeJS

by Muhammad iqbal syamil ayasy

My Budget

by Indra Deva


by Irsyad Al Ghifary

How many of me

by Malik Wali


by Luqman Haries

Aplikasi Penilaian Program secara Otomatis

by Muhammad Abdurrohman Al Fatih


by Rezki Nanda

Biner World, 2D Mobile Game Platformer

by Anas Rasyid

Hired Information

Our past members have also been hired as interns at excellent companies all over the world, some of them including:

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